Welyra provides you with a hassle-free online shopping experience by bringing all your favorite stores to our platform: supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants, bakeries, butchers, pet stores, and more—right at your fingertips.
Find all your favorite stores:
From Spinneys, Carrefour, Choitrams, Zoom, Café Paul, Café Batel, Dunkin Donuts, and Marks & Spencer to Eataly, Kiko Milano, Nex, Al Meera, Al Mazraa Markets, and more. Search for your favorite stores or discover new ones.
Download the app to browse the available stores in your area
Instant Online Delivery:
Order everything you need and have it delivered within 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your location. Want to receive your products later? You can always schedule your order for a convenient time.
A Wide Range of Products:
Browse over 1,000,000 products and find everything you’re looking for: from snacks and food items to household products, pet supplies, pharmacy essentials, fresh produce, delicious sweets, and more.
*Our Services Include:
Grocery and supermarket deliveries
Pharmacy deliveries
Fresh meat deliveries
Pet supplies deliveries
Specialist store deliveries
Flower deliveries
Fresh produce deliveries
Organic product deliveries
Bakery, sweets, and cake deliveries
Seafood deliveries
Stationery deliveries
Home supplies deliveries
Water gallon deliveries
Beauty and makeup product deliveries
Perfume deliveries
Sports nutrition deliveries
Food deliveries
Home cleaning services in partnership with Just Life
Service availability depends on your location. Download the app to browse the stores available in your area.
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